“The Atlantic is getting Frantic”

“The Atlantic is getting Frantic” –

Named Storm ‘Florence’ is meandering around the Central Atlantic. It is being affected by several other weather patterns and is almost impossible, at this time, to predict. Many of the Ensemble tracking projections from about 40 agencies and independent modelers are showing a slight curve to the north before it gets to the US Coast – HOWEVER, some of the quality models are showing an impact in the Carolinas and possibly the Georgia Coast as well – around next weekend, as a Major Category Hurricane.

Our own opinion is leaning toward an interaction in the Carolinas – but since this storm has been present in the Atlantic since August 30 and has been totally unpredictable, anything is possible. There are also 3 additional areas of concern in the Atlantic as of 5 PM EDT, Friday, September 7. We are watching all of these systems and will post as needed.

Persons from Florida to New England should be watching the progress of Named Storm Florence !!

For official information on all named storms, please visit the National Hurricane Center site located here:



“These are not official advisories. These updates and advisories are based upon information from our own computer models, NOAA, Local Weather Data Centers, deep water Buoy Data, and other publicly available sources. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR PROPERTY AND PERSON, please refer to your Local, State, and Federal Authority updates for Official Advisories and Orders. For up to the minute advisories and official updates, it is essential that you monitor your local Emergency Government, NOAA and Local Media Broadcasts. Please do not make personal safety decisions based upon information presented here.”


Tropical Storm Research Center, Gulf Shores, Alabama
