Named Storm Sally – 2020

Named Storm Sally – 2020 formed off the southeast coast of Florida. This storm is moving northwest and is affecting southern Florida now through late Saturday September 12, before it moves into the Gulf of Mexico. Once it gets into the very warm waters of the Gulf, some intensification may take place. Current international tracking models, as well as our own, are showing a second landfall along the northern Gulf Coast somewhere between Apalachicola, Florida, and the Louisiana/Texas border sometime Monday into Tuesday, September 14-15. Persons in South Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico, especially coastal Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, should be monitoring this storm carefully.

Please visit the National Hurricane Center website for official news and advisories.

“These are not official advisories. These updates and advisories are based upon information from our own computer models, NOAA, Local Weather Data Centers, deep water Buoy Data, and other publicly available sources. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR PROPERTY AND PERSON, please refer to your Local, State, and Federal Authority updates for Official Advisories and Orders. For up to the minute advisories and official updates, it is essential that you monitor your local Emergency Government, NOAA and Local Media Broadcasts. Please do not make personal safety decisions based upon information presented here.”

Tropical Storm Research Center, Gulf Shores, Alabama