Hurricane Earl Update Sunday Aug. 29

Hurricane Earl Update Sunday, August 29, 2010 – 11:00 Hrs CDT

Earl was classified as a Category 1 Hurricane earlier today. Persons in the Leeward Islands, Hisapaniola and Puerto Rico are under Hurricane watches and warnings for major Hurricane involvement (Category 3 or higher). The storm track is still developing due to interaction with both low level and upper level winds, but most computer modeling is showing a track to the west of Bermuda and then northerly with some US east coastal issues from northeastern Georgia to New England from late Thursday September 02 through next weekend.

Persons from south Florida to New England should be monitoring the development of this significant storm event.

For up to the minute official advisories and information, please visit the NHC website in Miami


“THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL ADVISORY. These updates and advisories are based upon information from our own computer models, NOAA, Local Weather Data Centers, deep water Buoy Data, and other publicly available sources. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR PROPERTY AND PERSON, please refer to your Local, State, and Federal Authority updates for Official Advisories and Orders. For up to the minute advisories and official updates, it is essential that you monitor your local Emergency Government, NOAA and Local Media Broadcasts. Please do not make personal safety decisions based upon information presented here in this Unofficial Advisory.”
