Named Storm Martin -2022 developed near Bermuda from a sub tropical low pressure area. It is moving generally northeast, away from the US East Coast. Since there will be no US involvement, this will be our only mention of Named Storm Martin – 2022.
Please visit the National Hurricane Center website for official news and advisories.
“These are not official advisories. These updates and advisories are based upon information from our own computer models, NOAA, Local Weather Data Centers, deep water Buoy Data, and other publicly available sources. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR PROPERTY AND PERSON, please refer to your Local, State, and Federal Authority updates for Official Advisories and Orders. For up to the minute advisories and official updates, it is essential that you monitor your local Emergency Government, NOAA and Local Media Broadcasts. Please do not make personal safety decisions based upon information presented here.”
Tropical Storm Research Center, Southern, Alabama.