Named Storm Idalia – 2023

Named Storm Idalia formed from a tropical depression off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. This storm is moving slowly northward into the southern Gulf of Mexico. International tracking models are coming into agreement that this storm will be making landfall into Northwestern Florida by mid week. It will then continue Northeast through Georgia and the Carolinas.

Persons from the Mississippi / Alabama border to the Gulf coast of Florida should be monitoring the progress of this storm carefully. Persons along the Gulf Coast of Florida and southern Georgia can expect heavy rain, gusty wind and possibly tornadoes along it’s path. Persons along the path in Georgia and the Carolinas should monitor local Emergency Management Agencies for official information.

ADD ON – August 28, 2023: Most recent international tracking models are showing Idalia as a Category 3 major Hurricane at landfall in the area of Cedar Key, Florida, early Wednesday morning, August 30. Extreme storm surge will be seen from Marco Island, Florida, to St. George Island, Florida, reaching approximately eleven feet in some areas.

Mandatory evacuation orders are in place in several areas and should be followed.

For news and official updates, please refer to the National Hurricane Center website –


“These are not official advisories. These updates and advisories are based upon information from our own computer models, NOAA, Local Weather Data Centers, deep water Buoy Data, and other publicly available sources. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR PROPERTY AND PERSON, please refer to your Local, State, and Federal Authority updates for Official Advisories and Orders. For up to the minute advisories and official updates, it is essential that you monitor your local Emergency Government, NOAA and Local Media Broadcasts. Please do not make personal safety decisions based upon information presented here.”

Tropical Storm Research Center, Southern, Alabama.
