Tropical Storm Ana and Bill continue their westward advancement in the Atlantic.
The SAL and SST’s are favorable for development and the shear battling Ana should lessen.
Ana remains a small storm, but is predicted to develop over the next few days and has a good chance of reaching hurricane status. Bill, on the other hand, is a larger storm, with conditions more favorable for continued development. Bill has the potential to become a major hurricane, reaching Catagory 3 or higher. Bill is tracking roughly a thousand miles behind Ana, and both could emerge into the Gulf of Mexico.
An area of disturbance in the south east Gulf of Mexico bears watching, although the potential for development remains at less than 30% as evidenced in the NOAA/NHC graphic above. Currently, this system is expected to be a rain maker for the north east Gulf Coast. Some severe weather could result from this system as it approaches land.
Elsewhere in the tropics, a strong tropical wave has moved off the coast of Africa, bringing the potential for development. We will have further updates and information as these systems continue to progress.